FNBO.com - Financial Journey Online Experience
What should I be doing with my money? It's a question that most, no matter how financially literate, often ask. And, because the answers are uniquely our own, we set out to give those asking the questions some knowledge and utility to start a conversation confidently.
FNBO's financial journey site is a resource for users to find information relevant to the place that they are in their financial journey. From learning the basics of creating a savings plan to planning your estate, we created this site for the benefit of the potential customer exploring on their own and the FNBO banker starting a conversation with a new customer.
The site's main feature walks users through a simple survey to help identify where they are in their financial journey by focusing on age, immediate needs and short and long-term planning. At the end of the survey, the user receives a custom report designed to create clear next steps and easy opportunities to continue the conversation with helpful FNBO representatives.
Art - Dessi Price Copy - John Vogel UI/UX - Justin Henriksen